Pennies From Heaven For Kevin

Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
70 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Kevin Hyde shares his harrowing struggles with addiction In Pennies From Heaven For Kevin. Growing up alongside four sisters in an upper-middle-class family in a prosperous town in upstate New York, Kevin had a happy childhood. Since he was a teenager, he started doing odd jobs here and there and developed a taste for alcohol. Once out of college, he found a well-paying job and got married. But after the tragic demise of his second son, Kyle, Kevin's life began to unravel. His marriage deteriorated with instances of domestic violence and rampant alcohol and drug abuse. Over the next few decades, Kevin would be in and out of multiple prisons and rehabilitation centers, getting himself embroiled in drug smuggling and gangs. It was only when he finally surrendered himself to God that he got a new lease on life.

A true story of addiction, faith, and redemption, Pennies From Heaven For Kevin follows Kevin Hyde's heartbreaking battles with addiction and other self-destructive behavior. This memoir is a cautionary tale and a must-read for people in recovery and anyone else who has ever witnessed a loved one's life fall apart in the clutches of vices such as drug abuse or alcoholism. Kevin gives an unflinching account of his life and doesn't hesitate to show readers his lowest lows. He attributes his path to recovery to those who offered him a helping hand in his time of need, including the Keryx prison ministry. He continues to collect pennies in honor of his son and attends AA and Narcotics Anonymous meetings regularly. Kevin's story is a powerful reminder of how some choices can lead us astray while others can help us get back on our feet. Highly recommended.