Pink Tuxedo

Fiction - Literary
253 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Richard Prause for Readers' Favorite

Pink Tuxedo by C.D. Acosta is a colorful tale set in 2093 that portrays a young man's need for human closeness amidst the throes of social disconnection. Our protagonist, Tomasz, is a college student who lives in self-imposed isolation. Like most of the youths of his era, he struggles with forming genuine, meaningful social bonds in a world that thrives primarily on digital connection. One day, Tomasz unexpectedly makes the bold move to attend a musical event, expecting to catch the attention of his love interest. Before the event, he delivers a strange package, hoping to make some quick cash. This daring move brings about a direct collision with an infamous criminal group that tries to recruit poor Tomasz into their nefarious plans. Will Tomasz slink back into his predictable life of simplicity, or will he aid this group in their life-altering plans?

Pink Tuxedo has the ideal blend of humor, creativity, and thought-provoking concepts. C.D. Acosta cleverly interlaces his novel with intriguing characters who wittily compel you to digest their narratives from beginning to end. I eagerly consumed each chapter, night after night, dreading when the novel would end. Tomasz gives an astounding performance as a youth living in a technology-obsessed world. His search for human connection mirrors the lives of many persons (both young and old) in our present era. Acosta has a way with words. He deftly combines crisp dialogue with expressive prose, making this novel a must-read you won't forget. The author offers a unique spin on traditional sci-fi themes and portrays each character with perfection and precision. If you like reading literary fiction that explores isolation, social interaction, and human behavior, grab this thrilling sci-fi read. Fans of novels like Utopia 58, Earth Abides, and This Perfect Day will enjoy reading Tomasz's story.