Piper's Perfect Pick

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Piper's Perfect Pick is a children’s picture book written by Peni Clark with illustrations by Penny Weber. It tells the story of Piper, a young girl who wants to play a sport in school. Unfortunately, all her attempts end in disaster. From basketball and soccer to tennis and balancing on a beam, no sport feels right. Her family gets involved, suggesting different sports she might like, but nothing sparks her interest. Piper feels discouraged by all her failed attempts at different sports, but she does not stop searching. She is determined to find the sport that suits her. Piper asks her cat for advice, and their conversation leads her to boxing. Trying out boxing for the first time scares her family, who know the sport requires stamina, bravery, and strength. However, Piper is determined to achieve her dream. Join Piper as she trains for her first match to become a boxer.

Piper's Perfect Pick is a delightful and relatable story that explores the struggles of finding the right fit in sports. Children are talented in different fields, and trying different things is a fun adventure involving many failures and victories. This is a vital part of their development and personal growth as individuals. Peni Clark has also included lessons on enthusiasm, perseverance, and determination, showing how Piper kept trying even after having attempts at various activities that ended in embarrassing and humorous mishaps. Piper is an admirable character who embodies great qualities that adults and children can learn from. Apart from the lessons, the colorful illustrations perfectly complement the story. The separate text and art allow for a more accessible reading experience, making it easy for children with reading difficulties to follow along and enjoy the story. I enjoyed this book and recommend adding it to your children’s book collection.