Planet Downfall

Flight of the Kestrel Book 4

Young Adult - Action
159 Pages
Reviewed on 05/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Planet Downfall is the fourth book in the Flight of the Kestrel series by Ann Marie Thomas. Casparan Professor Eliab Dofna leads a science survey team to the planet Arcadia on an expedition to see if it's fit for habitation. However, the seemingly routine expedition turns into a disaster when an asteroid strikes the planet, starting a chain of devastating earthquakes. The Azalom -- an Ochran mining ship whose crew is scouring Arcadia for scandium and gold -- quickly intercepts the survey team's mayday signal. Meanwhile, Kestrel, the PACT Fast Response ship, sends three crewmembers to rescue the scientists, including John Tanner, who has telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Now, in a race against time, Tanner and his crewmates must navigate dangerous earthquakes, massive tidal waves, monstrous lizards, and the Ochran miners to save the lives of the scientists.

Gritty and packed with thrilling action sequences, Planet Downfall is just the science fiction apocalyptic tale you need to spend a quiet evening with. Ann Marie Thomas has built an immersive world on the brink of total collapse, with the setting of Arcadia that feels not only alien but also unique and authentic. Thomas' characters are very well-developed, each having their own motives that drive their actions. This creates drama and friction that is delicious for the reader to savor. The plotting is intricate and laced with suspense, intrigue, and action, and the narrative will keep readers on the edge of their seats for most parts of the story. Despite the multiple plot threads, I felt Thomas did a brilliant job of pacing the plot, and the pages seemed to fly by for me. If science fiction disaster tales are your jam, do not miss out on this one!