Poetry Rooms

Poetry - General
88 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Poetry Rooms is a work of collected poetry penned by author John MacDonald in the emotive writing, thematic exploration, and slice-of-life genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. This is an enchanting collection that intertwines poetry with personal history, offering a window into the author's life and values. Divided into themed sections or ‘rooms,’ the book reflects on family heritage, values, and deeply held beliefs. Through metaphors and lyrical language, MacDonald conveys his respect for his parents and provides insights into his experiences with different people and the gifts they have brought into his life. The poems serve as a cultural heritage gift in return, blending historical relevance with personal introspection in such a way that it makes the reader reflect on their own life and observations.

Author John MacDonald offers readers a deeply enriching poetry experience that holds nothing back in its exploration of the intimate spaces of the soul. The structure of the book, with poems divided into different ‘rooms,’ felt like a guided tour through the ‘house’ of the author’s life, each section revealing layers of his personal history and values as we take on a new thematic emotion and perspective on nostalgia. It’s a brilliant idea and a fantastic way to separate different periods and ideas. I was particularly moved by the palpable respect and admiration he expressed for his parents, especially his mother, which added a touching depth to his work. Some personal favorites of mine included the bittersweet nostalgic tragedy of ‘Decisions’, the childlike wonder and warmth of ‘My Mother is a Saint’, and the deceptively complex gratitude of ‘Treasured Gifts’. MacDonald’s ability to capture the essence of his life and convey it with such honesty and eloquence inspired me to be more mindful and appreciative of the small, significant moments in my own life. Overall, I would certainly recommend Poetry Rooms as a must-read for fans of personal poetic journeys where you feel connected to the author.