Positive Self-Talk

Transforming Your Silent Thoughts (Intentionally Positive)

Non-Fiction - Self Help
115 Pages
Reviewed on 06/29/2024
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Author Biography

Shani T. Night is a storyteller at heart and an Award-Winning Children's Author who has been weaving tales of wonder for over four decades. Born in the bustling city of Washington, DC, Shani now finds serenity in Maryland, where she lives with her loving husband and their three children.

With a passion for igniting young imaginations, Shani's writing journey is a testament to her belief in the transformative power of words. Her stories are lanterns in the dark, guiding the younger generation to find their path of light even amid life's challenges. Shani's books are not just narratives; they are companions for life's journey, encouraging children to embrace self-expression and the joy of reading.

Beyond the pages, Shani is a Certified Happiness, Life, and Wellness Coach. She's on a mission to sprinkle happiness like confetti, coaching individuals to find their sparkle from within. Shani is a beacon for those seeking to navigate the seas of life with a smile and believes that with a little shift in perspective, everyone can lead a fulfilling and joyful life.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Negative thoughts and feelings have a way of creating self-doubt and fear in our minds. Having a productive dialogue with oneself helps steer our thoughts, emotions, and behavior toward a more optimistic outlook on life. Shani T. Night is a certified Happiness Life Wellness Coach who believes in a holistic concept of wellness. In Positive Self-Talk, the author offers some valuable insights to show how positive self-talk influences our beliefs and emotions and helps us craft narratives, identify core values, develop our worldview, build self-image, and regulate our decision-making framework. The book contains 20 essential aspects of self-talk and delves into the 10 phases of self-talk that can help us adopt a constructive and optimistic inner dialogue. These positive affirmations will lead you toward a life of self-reflection, fulfillment, and hope.

Get rid of negative self-talk and start your life anew with positivity and self-love as core values with Positive Self-Talk. Shani T. Night explores how both negative and positive self-talk influences the way we live our lives and change our approach toward the world and our surrounding environment. With the anxiety and stress of modern living, this kind of empowering guide is a must-have on bookshelves, both at home and in public libraries. This book will teach you how to avoid imposter syndrome, use positive self-talk to enhance resilience and problem-solving skills, build better coping strategies, see setbacks as opportunities for growth, build self-esteem, find the energy and motivation to navigate life's challenges, and much more. Toward the end of the book, readers will find practice exercises to apply the aforementioned concepts in everyday life. Overall, an enlightening and inspirational guide that I highly recommend.