Princess is NOT Pleased

Children - Animals
37 Pages
Reviewed on 08/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Francis Mont for Readers' Favorite

Princess is NOT Pleased by Pamela Robbins and Eduardo Paj (illustrator) Is a delightful children’s book for ages three to nine. Princess is a scaredy cat who is afraid of noises. Loud ones, medium-decibel ones, and even soft noises. She is happy only if it’s quiet and she can curl up with someone in the family or snooze quietly on the couch. The drawings are irresistibly cute and beautifully colored, and the text is a simple rhyming verse that would appeal to very young children. The language is also used to teach young children new words without overwhelming them and the rhyming and alliteration are simple but delightful, something young children can easily remember and tell each other and their friends. The pacing is excellent, making the child listening to it wonder how the adventure will end, culminating on a high note of tranquillity and quiet happiness.

It is very important to give young children an opportunity to learn entertainingly, using characters and situations that they are familiar with. Pamela Robbins and Eduardo Paj did a great job of providing a sweet, fun picture book that young children, especially in the preschool age, can enjoy even on their own, paging through the illustrations and trying to remember the rhymes. It also appeals to a sense of empathy and compassion toward animals, especially if they have pets of their own at home. This a great book for helping young children get ready to learn reading and practice the skills of pronunciation and clear vocalization. I highly recommend Princess is NOT Pleased to all parents with children in the target age group.