Protector of Legends

Raven's Story

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
388 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Protector of Legends: Raven’s Story by Deanna King is a mystical ride through time, from the perspective of the Native American people. Raven Kangee was born into a family touched by magic and mystical powers. Both her parents had traveled through time and Raven was conceived during one of their journeys over a century earlier, despite being born in the 21st century. Intensely proud of her Native American heritage, she had given little thought to the mystical tales of the spirit world and time travel told by her parents and aunts. That is until she came into the possession of four mysterious books that would set her off on a journey through time to fulfill not only her destiny but would also allow her to find her true self. With her beloved cousin Chay, Raven is hurled back through time, moving effortlessly between various historical periods where she uncovers her missions; to ensure the safety of someone critical to the history of Native Americans. Her path will take her to various tribes and differing periods where she will meet many famous Native American individuals whose future she must safeguard. She will also discover love but can that love transcend the barriers of time and will she ever find her way back home to her present time?

The premise for Protector of Legends is compelling and fascinating. Author Deanna King has created a marvelous, magical, mystical world in which her protagonist Raven can effortlessly move, without direction on her part, to protect and safeguard the future of her Native American people. The paths that Raven intersects and the well-known historical figures she meets and interacts with give the narrative the ring of believability which is essential in any story relating to mysticism and time travel. I particularly appreciated Raven’s time spent in Germany where she was tasked with protecting one of the famous Navajo Code Talkers and ensuring his survival from the German forces. The romance side was beautifully presented and added a dash of realism that helped round out Raven’s story. Whilst the plot was essentially about Raven and her two companions ensuring that history was fulfilled, the underlying narrative was also about Raven finding herself, her direction in life, and most importantly, finding love. As a child conceived whilst her parents were on their time travel journey, it was fitting that Raven would also find this love in another century. I loved the spiritual nature of the tale and that many of the important figures whom she met also had encounters with Raven’s aunts as well as her parents. The story flows seamlessly from one historical encounter to the next. With a descriptive but conversational writing style, the reader will be carried effortlessly on Raven’s epic journey through time. I was unable to put this book down and read it in one sitting. Highly recommended.

K.C. Finn

Protector of Legends: Raven's Story is a work of fiction in the fantasy, time travel, and cross-cultural writing genres. Penned by author Deanna King, the story follows Raven Kangee, born to parents who traversed time to ensure the survival of a great legend. Raven's skepticism about fairytales dissipates when four mysterious books appear, revealing her destiny to fulfill an extraordinary purpose for the Real People. Born in the 21st century but conceived over a century prior, Raven effortlessly navigates through time to safeguard future prominent figures and tribes beyond the Sioux Nation. Her journey intersects with various tribes, including the Cheyenne, Cherokee, Apsáalooke, and Miniconjou, as she faces challenges and aids a Comanche soldier from World War II. As Raven's bravery is tested and love transcends time, the fate of legends hangs in the balance.

Author Deanna King crafts an immersive novel, delving into the rich tapestry of culture and emotion in Raven's journey. The narrative structure is confident and smooth, seamlessly blending elements of fantasy, time travel, and indigenous cultures in a realistic and grounded way. The atmospheric descriptions of people and places are rich and very detailed, transporting readers across eras and tribes in a multisensory fashion. Raven's character development takes center stage as the driving force of the novel, and the pace is compelling as she grapples with her newfound purpose and confronts challenges that are timed well in the plot to shake things up. The exploration of diverse tribal cultures enriches the reader's understanding of Native American history and legends in a subtle, natural, and enjoyable way. King's intricate world-building is logically sound and rooted in every aspect of the tale to immerse the reader in Raven's epic quest, evoking a sense of wonder and awe from cover to cover. Overall, Protector of Legends: Raven's Story is a captivating tale of courage that I would highly recommend.

Bernadette Longu

In Protector of Legends: Raven's Story, Deanna King has taken the traditions, legends, lifestyle, and folk law of the Native Americans and written a page-turner that will hold the reader entranced from the prologue to the very last page. The main character Raven Kangee takes the reader through each journey she must embark upon into realms of the past to sort out mishaps that should not have happened, and they see how she sorts them out with help from the future. It is a fantasy story with adventure, romance, and family. A most enjoyable and informative book. I learned more here about Native American traditions than I ever did from a history book.

Protector of Legends by Deanna King shows how the Native American tribes have a most unique way of appointing a whole group of people to be the Protectors of Legends, pertaining to all Native Americans. It is funny how when people are different and lead different lifestyles, others look down on them and belittle what they don’t understand. This book is so full of history about Native American tribes, their way of life, beliefs, humor, and ordinary everyday happenings seen through the eyes of ordinary people. This book is worth more than one read as there is so much material of interest here about different realms, how these intersect, and how these can be visited and this makes it spellbinding. It was so enlightening that I found myself eagerly looking for more information. The list of members of the clans etc in front of the book was a big help. This story can be enjoyed by any age group and was a joy to read. A delightful and intriguing book.