
An AJ Conti Novel

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Psychopathologist: An AJ Conti Novel is a work of fiction penned by author James A. Bacca in the murder mystery, crime, and suspense subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience owing to some sensitive and potentially upsetting situations. In this gripping sequel to Collateral Damage: The End Game, we’re back with our investigative protagonist AJ Conti, who, after successfully halting an illegal kidney sales ring, is drawn into a murder investigation in rural Oregon. Loyalty propels AJ into the dangerous and deadly depths of the case, endangering not only himself but his family. The novel introduces layers of suspense as AJ uncovers a suspicious death, leading to a tense confrontation with a medical examiner. As AJ applies pressure, he becomes a target for revenge, putting his loved ones at risk. The sudden return of a character presumed dead, Rock, adds another upsetting complication to the mix.

Author James A. Bacca has crafted a thrilling and intricate plot that keeps readers on the edge of their seats as they delve into a highly complex web of secrets, criminal undertakings, and emotionally harrowing challenges. I was most impressed with the way that the narrative shows AJ under pressure, with emotive lexis that allows readers to feel every horrible gut-wrenching moment of despair, but also the sparks of pure elation when the clues of the mystery come together. The suspenseful twists and turns, coupled with AJ's resilience and determination, make for a compelling narrative that is always well-paced and never leaves readers bored or without clues to speculate on. Overall, Psychopathologist is an engaging and intense read for fans of the existing series, and I’d certainly recommend the series in general to mystery and crime fiction enthusiasts everywhere.