Pursuit into Darkness

War of Destiny Volume 2

Fiction - Paranormal
318 Pages
Reviewed on 08/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jefto Pierre for Readers' Favorite

Pursuit into Darkness is the second book in the War of Destiny series by Theresa Van Spankeren. This vampire novel takes place in 1582, in London, and focuses on the main character, Julia, and the vampire Resistance group, the Ka-tet. Julia and her lover, Adam, are living a peaceful life together. She is slowly learning to control her new vampiric abilities. Unfortunately, Valentino, the vampire king, arrives in England to destroy everyone who opposes his authority. Samuel, a powerful vampire who is Julia's protector, knows they aren't strong enough to defeat Valentino, so he wants them to flee before making contact with the vampire king. When Samuel's plan fails, Julia has to fight for her life and the ones she loves. Simultaneously, a devious voice from her past life seeks to destabilize her mentally. In her attempt to defeat her enemy and save the ones she cares about, will Julia lose everything she loves—including her identity?

Theresa Van Spankeren is a tremendous writer. The setting is an excellent presentation of sixteenth-century England that enhances the story and adds mystery and fascination to the plot. The language style and dialogue fit the period. Julia is a mesmerizing character. She is strong, alluring, and caring. It is easy to empathize with her experiences, her loss, her pain, and her ability to persevere until the end. Even though I was intrigued by her romantic connection with Adam, she has a more profound relationship dynamic with Samuel, which I'm sure the author will explore in future installments. The antagonists also captured my attention. I'm not a fan of Valentino, yet he succeeded in adding action, drama, and suspense to the storyline, which I ultimately enjoyed. If you enjoy fast-paced novels, Pursuit into Darkness is the perfect read. Van Spankeren does an excellent job of balancing the plot and action elements. I highly recommend this to fans of action-packed paranormal novels. I guarantee you'll enjoy it!