Roberta Raves 2

Stories of Everyday Life Told With Humor, Insight and Compassion

Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
248 Pages
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Roberta Raves 2 is the second book of humorous stories by Roberta Conner. In this book, you'll learn about the author's life on a golf course and the things she, her "hubby", and her friends discuss. Told from the perspective of an older adult, the stories offer information, advice, and new ideas, while presenting some topics that stem from Conner's social media posts. She discusses her youth in Minnesota, parts of her time as a military wife, and her days in California. Conner has researched neat topics, like the food they use in food commercials, tortoises, and etymology, and she has lived through pretty remarkable experiences.

Roberta Conner delivers hilarious reflections as she moves through her daily life. She has the seasoned approach of an experienced storyteller and the type of sarcasm provided by years of participating in life's adventures. Conner shares informative and useful knowledge about older adults and interesting facts you can use to impress your friends. Sometimes, a chapter comes around full circle, like in "Birth Day", and some of her "raves" seem to have no connection but make a lot of sense. The chapters are short, like brief conversations over the phone or in the aisle of a supermarket, and you almost feel like Conner is one of your good friends when you are privy to her thoughts. After reading her work, I think it would be fun and entertaining to meet the author as she seems to know a little - or a lot - about almost everything. Readers who enjoy short and entertaining pieces with a lot of personality will love Roberta Raves 2.