Scam at Mount Diablo

Fiction - Crime
336 Pages
Reviewed on 09/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Scam at Mount Diablo by Mike Mackay, Barney Dubin asked Jack Rhodes to look into his company and figure out what was wrong. Jack needed to put the company back on a more profitable footing. Until recently, Barney’s son, Ralph, had little interest in the company and had launched an unauthorized online commodity trading platform. Ralph was also in a relationship with Sinead, the daughter of Clodagh, the head of the most infamous criminal family in San Francisco. To make matters worse, a serial killer was heading toward San Francisco, and Stella, Jack’s girlfriend, was the perfect fit as the next victim. Stella led her company as CEO, with its headquarters in San Francisco, and Jack had to rely on his boxing prowess and quick thinking to keep her safe.

Mike Mackay took me on a roller coaster ride in Scam at Mount Diablo. This crime novel is filled with action, suspense, danger, and murder. The rapid pace and action intrigued me from the start, and I could not put the book down. I had to know what would happen next and could not turn the pages fast enough to find out. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and with all the twists and turns, I was guessing until the end. The characters were authentic and relatable. Trouble always chased Jack because he went above and beyond to help others. His skills as a boxer saved him many times and helped him out of difficult situations. The plot was expertly thought through and executed. A couple of storylines come together at the conclusion in unexpected ways.