
Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
304 Pages
Reviewed on 06/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

Sensiti by Juan Zamora is a twisty tale with solid themes of identity, energy, power, and the pursuit of one’s destiny, delving into the complexities of human nature. Yuan, a self-proclaimed genius, is accustomed to being the smartest kid in the room. But his world crashes when he meets Samuel, a prodigy with an IQ of 300. Yuan's admiration for Samuel quickly turns to resentment, and he devises a plan to prove he is just as intelligent. The wager is simple: Samuel will acknowledge him as an equal if Yuan can solve a series of mind-bending puzzles and challenges. But Yuan's competitive spirit knows no bounds, and he takes his challenge to unprecedented lengths. As the stakes grow higher, Yuan ventures into the unknown, exploring the mysteries of the spirit world. Follow this tale filled with mystery and magic as Yuan’s obsession unveils hidden truths and he must confront himself.

Juan Zamora has crafted a spellbinding tale with unforgettable characters and deep spiritual undercurrents. This is a story about self-discovery and exploring the energies in the universe. Yuan’s journey takes him to unexpected places and profound mysteries. His motivation is ingeniously crafted, and readers will want to discover where it leads him. Apart from Yuan, Cain is another compelling, fully developed, and intriguing character. Yuan's struggles with his identity and purpose give depth to the narrative. The writing is excellent, and there are emotionally charged scenes like the one during the funeral, where unlikely people from elementary mourn a coffin filled with rocks. Sensiti is briskly paced, an emotional rollercoaster that features believable characters and a world filled with magical possibilities.

Christian Sia

Sensiti by Juan Zamora is an exhilarating adventure combining elements of fantasy and science fiction. The story begins with a dramatic scene in ancient Egypt, setting the stage for a thrilling journey through time and space. The protagonist, Yuan, is a young boy with a mysterious past who enlists in the army, seeking recognition and strength. As he rises through the ranks, he discovers his true identity as a vessel for magic. Yuan meets Samuel and discovers that Samuel has an IQ of 300. He is intimidated, albeit jealous, because he has always thought himself to be the most intelligent. So, he sets out to prove that he is better than Samuel, embarking on a journey that will push him to the limit, exploring his past, and unlocking energies he never imagined, including the combination of the feminine power of Kundalini and the pure Qi. Can he harness the magical powers that course through his being?

Sensiti contains action-packed sequences, including battles against mighty warriors and magical creatures, and characters that are lovable. The author has a unique way of introducing the characters, from the mysterious woman in the prologue to the initial confrontation between Yuan and Samuel to characters like Cain. The reader's sense of mystery and curiosity is awakened. The scenes are masterfully crafted, drawing readers in. The pacing is relentless with barely a moment to catch your breath between intense and emotionally rich scenes. The world-building is also expertly rendered. Juan Zamora crafts a richly detailed world with its mythology and history; the magical system is intricate and fascinating. The writing is filled with vivid descriptions and engaging and witty dialogues. This novel is a delightful read for readers who enjoy exciting characters and magic.

Ruffina Oserio

Sensiti by Juan Zamora is a mesmerizing tale that combines elements of fantasy, science fiction, and adventure to offer an exciting read. This is a fascinating tale for readers who enjoy oriental philosophy and spirituality. At times, the line between reality and fantasy blurs in this narrative. Yuan, a self-proclaimed genius, is used to being seen as the smartest kid. All that changes when he meets Samuel, a prodigy with an IQ of 300. Yuan's admiration for Samuel quickly transforms into resentment, and he concocts a plan to prove he is just as intelligent. The wager is simple: Samuel would acknowledge him as an equal if Yuan could solve a series of mind-bending puzzles and challenges. But Yuan's competitive spirit takes him to unprecedented lengths. How far is he willing to go?

The characters are lovable, complex, and authentic, from Yuan to Samuel to Cain. There are spiritual and physical battles, intensely emotional scenes, and dialogues that blend wit with realism to fascinate readers. Yuan's struggles with his identity are particularly compelling and move the narrative forward. The story is suspenseful and loaded with mystery. There are fascinating scenes packed with action, some of which compel readers to think. The confrontation with the bullies is an intense scene where the bullies beat Yuan, only for him to be saved by Cain. It is a thrilling and emotionally charged moment. Cain's incredible strength and quick thinking make him a compelling character, and his interaction with Yuan raises questions about their relationship and potential friendship. Sensiti by Juan Zamora is filled with many surprises for readers.

Romuald Dzemo

Sensiti by Juan Zamora is a thought-provoking novel that examines the concept of power. Yuan is a self-assured and confident young mind who is convinced he is the epitome of intelligence until he meets Samuel, a genius, who leaves him feeling inferior. Yuan's initial respect for Samuel’s intelligence and wealth soon turns into jealousy, and he is determined to prove he is better than Samuel. How far will he go to prove his intelligence? Follow him on a journey that takes him through different realms, pushing him to extremes, exploring the mysteries of the spirit world, and seeking answers and knowledge to give him an edge over Samuel. His journey takes him on a thrilling adventure where he discovers hidden truths about his past and the universe's secrets.

The characterization is impeccable, and the cast will intrigue readers. The story begins with an enigmatic scene in the Pyramid of Giza in 500AD, where a woman returns to report to Sensiti, a man who profoundly understands the power of the Pyramids. The narrative then shifts to a young man who enlists in the army, seeking recognition and strength. As he becomes a mighty warrior, he discovers his true identity as a vessel for magic. Yuan’s journey to unlocking the hidden energies in his life is deftly explored. The characters are well-developed, with complex motivations and backstories. The novel's structure is non-linear, jumping between different periods and storylines. This unconventional approach augments the sense of mystery as readers are forced to piece together the connections between the various narratives. The exploration of themes of power, identity, and morality is skillfully executed. The novel raises questions about strength and whether power is inherently good or evil. The characters' struggles with their identities and purpose enhance the depth of the narrative, making it difficult to put down. This is a fascinating tale with strong themes and intriguing characters. Sensiti by Juan Zamora will grab the attention of readers who enjoy stories of magic and larger-than-life characters.

K.C. Finn

Sensiti is a work of fiction in the fantasy, mystery, and thriller subgenres. It is best suited to the new adult reading audience as it contains scenes of violence and gore. Penned by author Juan Zamora, we follow the experiences of Yuan. He is a confident young boy whose self-perception is challenged when he meets Samuel, a peer with an extraordinary IQ of 300. Motivated by both admiration and envy, Yuan makes a bet with Samuel, aiming to prove his equal intelligence. This seemingly impossible wager propels Yuan into a journey fraught with mystery and suspense, leading him into the spirit world and even into the examination of his past lives, all in a desperate bid to enhance his intellect.

Author Juan Zamora utilizes a great gift for suspense and character dynamics to craft an exhilarating psychological fantasy. Yuan is compelling as his journey reflects a deep psychological struggle with self-worth and ambition that readers will be able to relate to, moving them to root for him. This close narrative viewpoint allows us to go deeper into Yuan’s emotions as Samuel's genius creates a stark contrast, driving Yuan to extreme measures that keep readers on edge with fantastic pacing and twists. The novel’s dive into the spirit world adds a supernatural layer that enriches the plot, making it more than just a competition of intellect, but an exploration of what drives us forward and eats away at our souls. The inclusion of action and gore was justified for the most pivotal moments of this journey, intensifying the stakes and providing a gritty realism needed to ground the work in emotional reality. This blend of psychological depth, suspense, and supernatural intrigue kept me hooked from start to finish. Overall, Sensiti not only entertains but also prompts reflection on the lengths one might go to prove their worth, making it a memorable and recommended read.