Seth the Last Skywalker

Young Adult - Coming of Age
378 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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Author Biography

Author Bio - Cecil Holt
Cecil Holt is an accomplished storyteller whose work reflects over 30 years of missionary service in India and more than three decades as the pastor of a local Community Church. Deeply rooted in his understanding of cultural intersections, spirituality, and the resilience of the human spirit, Cecil has spent a lifetime dedicated to service. His extensive humanitarian efforts have led him into some of the most challenging environments, including leper camps in New Delhi and the remote slums of India, where he witnessed firsthand the profound effects of poverty, disease, and suffering. These experiences have left an indelible mark on his writing, infusing his stories with compassion, empathy, and insight into the human condition.
In addition to his spiritual endeavors, Cecil spent many years working as a machinist, retiring in 2023 after balancing a demanding career in the industrial sector with his pastoral and missionary work. Throughout his life, Cecil has written hundreds of sermons and speeches, led numerous successful crusades across India, and inspired people from diverse backgrounds with his unwavering messages of kindness, resilience, and faith. His ability to bridge cultural divides has given him a unique voice that resonates deeply with readers who seek narratives about life’s complexities, family dynamics, and the pursuit of spiritual meaning.
A testament to love and commitment, Cecil has been married for 47 years. His deep bond with his wife has not only provided emotional stability but also informed the authenticity of his writing.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Seth the Last Skywalker by Cecil Holt is a young adult coming-of-age novel centered around Seth Skywalker, a young man burdened by a mysterious curse known as the Skywalker curse. Hidden deep in the Cherokee Mountains of North Carolina, Seth must uncover the origins of this curse and find a way to break it before his birthday or face certain death. As he battles tragedy and seeks true love, Seth’s journey becomes a race against time to reclaim his future.

Author Cecil Holt’s storytelling is both captivating and emotionally resonant from the very first scene of this endearing novel right through to the powerful lessons that Seth learns on his cultural and personal journey. There’s plenty of mystery, adventure, and romance for the young adult audience to explore, and it’s all pitched in a very gentle way that makes it easy to read without anything too shocking or upsetting. Holt’s ability to create a compelling protagonist in Seth, whose struggles are both unique and relatable, makes the narrative deeply engaging as we are right on his shoulder, feeling everything with him in each new experience. The concept of destiny is often overdone in YA literature, but here Holt handles the idea from a new perspective that links to a more realistic sense of purpose and how we fit into the world around us, which is highly relatable for teen readers to consider. Overall, Seth the Last Skywalker is a powerful and memorable coming-of-age tale that adults and youngsters alike will appreciate, and it has a lot to teach us about opening our eyes and exploring the world and our place in it more.

Richard Prause

Seth Skywalker, a Native American and a pastor's son, is no stranger to death. He was born with the Skywalker curse, which the Cherokee refer to as the kiss of death. No matter where Seth's life journey takes him, death follows closely behind. After losing his young lover, Joleen Wolf, while he was a teen and then his wife as an adult, Seth concludes that the Skywalker curse must be true. Through visions and dream-like encounters, Seth realizes that he is fated to die on his thirtieth birthday. He travels to India with his father on a missionary visit. In India, Seth meets a priest, Hank, who convinces him there is no way to remove the curse. Is Hank's prediction completely accurate? The answers lie in Seth's visions. He needs to find the Cherokee woman from his dreams. Will she finally release Seth from his curse, or will he die without finding love again? Cecil Holt's enthralling novel, Seth the Last Skywalker, will capture your heart and emotions.

Cecil Holt has written a gripping tale filled with sentiment, tension, and vivid imagery that will provide an intense and emotional read. Seth's story touches on loss, grief, heartache, losing oneself, self-discovery, hope, redemption, and reconciliation. It is a slow-burn literary drama and romance that will win your approval from start to finish. Holt's writing style is exquisite and profound. He promises readers an immersive novel backed by perfectly flawed and authentic characters. The two scenes that stand out the most are the patience and unconditional love of Seth's parents and Seth's unyielding ability to push forward despite his desire to give up. I experienced a gamut of emotions while reading this emotional tale. It left me heartbroken, overjoyed, thrilled, and reflective. I won't give away the plot because readers need to experience this novel personally. I will, however, say that this is a stunning read. If you enjoy fiction about second chances, spirituality, overcoming obstacles, renewed faith, and resilience, Seth the Last Skywalker is well-crafted with you in mind.

Jefto Pierre

Seth the Last Skywalker by Cecil Holt is a powerful story about new beginnings, healing, and one man's journey to finding the happiness that has been missing from his life. Seth is a man of Cherokee descent. His father has the power to heal and restore life. This supernatural power is a mystic gift that runs in the Skywalker bloodline. During Seth's adolescent years, however, Seth believes the devil has entered his soul. Instead of being able to heal others, like his father, Seth is cursed with the kiss of death. As a result, Seth's friends, acquaintances, and loved ones seem to die simply by associating with him. Through his dreams, Seth's ancestors warn him about his impending death on his 30th birthday. Many spiritual individuals confirm his fears. Remembering his dreams, Seth is determined to locate an elderly lady named Mother Theresa, who might be the only one capable of helping him. Can her kiss of life counteract his kiss of death? Will Seth finally be free to live a fulfilling life and experience love once more?

Seth the Last Skywalker is an exceptional example of storytelling. It is an elegantly constructed and immensely compelling work. Cecil Holt has written a spellbinding tale that narrates how the underdog (Seth) goes from being an aimless drifter to living a fulfilled and purpose-driven life. Seth's journey involves suffering, death, loss, healing, acceptance, maturity, spiritual growth, deliverance, and restoration. At first, I thought this novel was a memoir. The characters are incredibly realistic. I had to keep reminding myself this is a work of fiction. I am impressed by how seamlessly Holt keeps Seth's story flowing between the past and the present. He never misses a beat. This tale is faith-based and beautifully intertwines Native American culture with Christianity. Most of the characters are evocative and complex. Their backstories, whether short or detailed, will evoke a plethora of emotions that will gradually draw you into their distinctive worlds. Fans of character-driven stories will quickly identify with the characters and their struggles. I highly recommend this intriguing read.