Seventh Avenue Undressed

A Bare All on New York's Mob Controlled Fashion Industry

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
302 Pages
Reviewed on 07/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

In Seventh Avenue Undressed by Marianne Thompson, Cathy Callahan is a savvy designer in love with her work and her city. In many ways, she is a brilliant, strong, young woman. Unfortunately, Cathy is also naive about the unseen world of organized crime that permeates her industry. When Cathy discovers that the owner of her place of business is a mobster who gets whacked, she takes the opportunity to leave and finds a new job, leaping from the frying pan into the fire in the process as the new boss is a coke-fiend who harasses her. With her newfound love, Matt, Cathy finds the inspiration to sue her sleazy boss, gaining enough cash to start her own company. Little does she know, this marks the beginning of darker challenges as the mob, which she wishes to avoid, has no intention of letting her escape from their deadly web of crime.

“In the fashion business, they treat you like a tissue. They pick you up, use you, and throw you away.” This harsh reality is vividly depicted in Marianne Thompson's novel, illustrating the punishing environment of the fashion industry in New York City from the 1970s to the 1990s. Seventh Avenue Undressed is not just another mafia tale. Crime, action, romance, and ambition are blended to create a refreshing literary cocktail and a mob story infused with a woman's touch. The book is fiction but based on what was happening at the time in New York City tightly gripped by organized crime. A wide-ranging cast of characters sparked my interest as many of them were very realistic individuals while others were the very definition of sinister. A sharp pace dictates a pleasing flow, which results in this novel being an easy read with a few surprises added to the mix. Overall, Seventh Avenue Undressed is a quality tale for fans of crime fiction who thirst for something different and fresh.