Severance of the Sorcerer

The Lost Wells Trilogy Book 3

Fiction - Fantasy - General
691 Pages
Reviewed on 07/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Severance of the Sorcerer by Kate Gateley is the third and final novel in the Lost Wells Trilogy, which starts with Julia Harrison in Tides of the Sovereign, a 30-year-old magic Bearer, who feels lost after her grandmother's death severed her connection to magic. Her mundane life changes when a visiting professor with a familiar aura arrives, revealing their shared, doomed past with the relentless Marcus Cassius Longinus. In Mantle of the World Ruler, after a year of intense conflict and love across lifetimes, Julia has emerged as a powerful magic Bearer. She faces a dire choice: fulfill her destiny as Sovereign or risk losing everything to Cassius Longinus. Now, Julia and Dom face an uncertain future after their trusted ally, Ronan, betrays them to Cassius Longinus, worsening their plight. Isolated and distraught, they must rebuild trust, reunite with remaining allies, and confront new threats from the Otherworld.

Kate Gateley knocks the world-building out of the park again in Severance of the Sorcerer, with an immediate immersion in settings that feel alive and truly atmospheric, using a mix of real-world locations and the expected fantastical elements. I love how Gateley amplifies these with Julia's visions, and one in particular--where she sees Ronan in an agonizingly possible transformation--made me gasp even harder than Lindsey. The body count is quite high and the suspense constantly pushes the story forward, with some heart-stopping scenes that are made more so because we have come to care so much for its victim. I'm British and so my shock at some of this going down in the beautiful Cotswolds added significantly to the pain. We end with a full and satisfied heart though, and while I am sad to conclude the trilogy I am looking forward to seeing what Gateley gives us next.