Shards of Fate

Thanatium Heroes

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
360 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Shards of Fate is the first book in the epic fantasy trilogy Thanatium Heroes by Edward Loom. Wizera, the Silver Sorceress, knows that her son, Thaidren, will accomplish great things like his deceased father did. When she notices that Thaidren's magical powers develop faster than expected, she sends him to a special place where he can be safe, train, and hone his powers. In the meantime, Wizera goes on a mission. She finds a strange book and has to discover its secrets. Thaidren is no longer safe since many fear his potential. An organization knows where he is, who he is, and wants him. Yet an unexpected betrayal and a battle lead to some discoveries that force Thaidren and others to do everything in their power to prevent demonic forces from accomplishing their gruesome goal. Thaidren's journey has just begun.

Shards of Fate by Edward Loom is a riveting dark fantasy filled with heart-pounding action, fascinating and rich world-building, magic, betrayal, intriguing creatures, and mystery. This absolute page-turner is a must-read for all fans of epic fantasy as it's engagingly written and finely detailed. Well-placed fantasy elements drive this story forward. Within the pages one finds a unique world, detailed battles, and a compelling cast of characters like paladins, demons, necromancers, a legion of undead soldiers, dark acolytes, sorceresses, moon elves, an oracle, and many more that dare the reader to keep up with them. I'm looking forward to seeing where Thaidren's story goes next. The upcoming releases promise more action, development, magic, and a relentless sense of peril. I highly recommend this dark fantasy novel. Readers will thoroughly enjoy it.