She Sweeps Her Dirt

Having A Grateful Heart

Christian - Non-Fiction
188 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

She Sweeps Her Dirt by Tracy Adams is a scripturally based guide to cultivating a grateful heart and finding positivity in all life's circumstances. The author discusses various topics such as understanding God's truth and what it means to worship in truth and spirit, having a relationship with God, and the hindrances to being grateful. She highlights how pride, comparison, and entitlement can lead to a lack of gratitude, discontent, and bitterness. The book encourages readers to cultivate humility and generosity and to be disciples of Christ who encourage others and rejoice in others' blessings. The author also touches on the importance of being thankful in all circumstances and denying the wants of the flesh to focus on Jesus. Overall, the book emphasizes the need for Christians to live a life of gratitude and humility to experience true success and prosperity in Christ.

She Sweeps Her Dirt is a compelling book with a profound message that will resonate with many readers. We live in a time when everyone is too busy to acknowledge God’s goodness, grumbling about vain things, and having a negative attitude. This book reminds us to be thankful for what we have and seek God’s blessings that are more meaningful than material possessions. Tracy Adams' presentation of the topic is engaging and relatable, using biblical stories to illustrate key points. By drawing parallels between the Israelites' time in the wilderness, Jesus' exemplary life, and Lucifer's fall due to pride, she adds depth and relevance to her message. This approach helps readers connect the dots between ancient biblical accounts and modern-day struggles of applying gratitude, making the message more impactful and memorable. The book has a smooth flow and is well-organized, making it easy to follow along and apply the principles to one's life. Overall, She Sweeps Her Dirt is a valuable reminder of the importance of gratitude and faith in our daily lives.