Silla's Awakening

Chronicles of a Cursed Goddess

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
300 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

Silla’s Awakening: Chronicles of a Cursed Goddess by J.M Durham is about Silla’s quest to discover her unique power and destiny. Durham immerses the reader in a journey to lands filled with magic, individuals with mystical abilities, warring kingdoms, and an enticing hint of romance. Silla has always sensed that she is different. This feeling is confirmed by her father, Octavius, before his death. Octavius also gives Silla a hint of her legacy and instructions on how to start the journey and who to seek out for help. With the help of Omega, a protector with mysterious powers, a series of friends, and guardians, Silla must face challenges that will shape her into the goddess she was predestined to be.

Silla’s Awakening by J.M. Durham is much more than Silla’s quest. It also highlights the characters that she meets on the journey to self-realization and transformation, each offering a unique perspective on life’s challenges and opportunities. From friends to foes, acquaintances, and strangers, all these individuals contribute to Silla’s evolution by teaching her about love, resilience, sacrifice, purpose, and identity. Durham begins the story slowly and picks up the pace as Silla’s internal and external conflicts intensify, drawing the reader into the dramatic tension. I loved the unexpected ending as it signified the end of this chapter of Silla’s life, setting the stage for the next exciting episode of her story. I highly recommend this book to fans of character-driven narratives with a focus on personal growth and transformation.