Simple Wishes

Fiction - Drama
384 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Mourning her mother’s death, Adele Martin quits her job in Brooklyn and returns to Pennsylvania, where she was raised in a small mountain cottage. Artist Jay Westvelt is the next door neighbor. Despite differing opinions they have an attraction to each other. Secrets concerning her father, mother and aunt come to light making Adele want to run back to Brooklyn. Jay loves her and wants her to stay with him. Adele learns the true meaning of love.

I really wouldn’t consider this a romance as much as it is a family drama. This is a very emotional book. Lisa Dale is a talented author and I will be watching for more of her art.
Scream For Me

Alex Fallon returns to Dutton, George when social services contacts her about her sister Bailey. Bailey is missing and her four year old daughter is distressed and alone. She turns to Special Agent Daniel Vartanian to help her find her missing sister Bailey. There is a strong attraction between Daniel and Alex.

Daniel was investigating a rape, murder when he met Alex. As the investigation and romance grows so does the body count.