Soaring Above Co-Addiction

Helping Your Loved One Get Clean, While Creating the Life of Your Dreams

Non-Fiction - Self Help
162 Pages
Reviewed on 04/28/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Dr. Robert Rose for Readers' Favorite

Lisa Ann Espich's SOARING ABOVE CO-ADDICTION: Helping Your Loved Ones Get Clean, While Creating the Life of Your Dreams isn’t just useful for addiction problems but could be read by any caregivers - or their victimizers.

Why victimizers? Because Lisa so ably states the care receiver (or addict) is often very manipulative. It can get to the point where the caregiver loses her sense of self and stops taking care of her basic needs. With Alzheimer's and many long term fatal illnesses, more than 2/3 of the caregivers die first. Caregivers should think twice because of the obvious disadvantage of death, and it leaves their loved ones even more crippled.

Chapter headings such as I Take You, Dr.Jekyll.., Letting Go, Taking Care of You, and The Path to Recovery are clear expressions of her processes that save the caregiver, but also help the addict or chronically ill. The addict’s need to get his “fix” leads to constant lying to others - and himself. Confronting without follow through, arguing, crying, and complaining seldom change his behavior.

The difference for Lisa and her husband was when she learned to stop playing his games, cleaning up his messes, and apologizing (and accepting blame) for his actions. She began to let him feel the full consequences for his selfishness and began living her life with or without him. She gained control of her life and eventually he did with his. Let her tell you how you may do it.

This book is based on the experiences of the author--her husband was an addict. She stresses the need to rely on your own powers. The author is careful to demonstrate the most effective way of handling an addict without becoming an enabler. She has included many sensible guidelines for a strategy. The suggested readings in the back of the book will be helpful to the reader. The information in this excellent book will be of great assistance to the spouse of an addict.