Somebody Else's Business

Fiction - Drama
400 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2016
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Author Biography

Living in California Charlton James is a commercial real estate investor. As a father of two children, Charlton has a full schedule of juggling transactions and family life.
During his time in community college, Charlton was told by a creative writing teacher, that he had a “certain flair for writing.” At the time, Charlton did not put much credence to the accolade because it was something that was natural for him. Self-expression, with plenty of imagination and creativity were his standout attributes, yet he did not take writing seriously. Though this is the first written work, Charlton has presented, he anticipates a sequel; pending public acceptance. Charlton prefers fiction writing because it gives him a form to set the stage to develop characters from a creative mind set. “It’s rewarding to imagine a character and create dialogue and situations. I find this to be most rewarding of the overall effort of presenting a manuscript. When the storyline and the reader connects, WOW! That’s everything for me.” Charlton also expresses that he enjoys any art of unique self-expression in any form, whether it be cooking, clothing, dialogue, acting, singing, dancing, or just approaching someone to say hello. There’s an art form in every interaction and non-interaction.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Maria Beltran for Readers' Favorite

Somebody Else's Business by Charlton James is an intriguing drama that weaves together the lives of people from completely different walks of life. Sergeant Major John Willoughby has just proposed to his fiancée, Tiffany Adams, and the two seem destined to have a beautiful life together. Called to action and deployed to Afghanistan, things do not go as they planned. John sends a moving letter to Tiffany from Kabul and the story starts to unravel. Kelly finds the letter accidentally and decides to keep it, intending to utilize it to the detriment of her own relationship. The letter ends up in the wrong place and what follows next is an unbelievable turn of events that destroys the relationship between Paul, whose secret finally unravels, and his wife, Diana.

Somebody Else's Business by Charlton James is an interesting mixture of intrigue, romance, and tragedy. It starts off innocently enough with the madly in love couple, John and Tiffany, getting engaged in a most romantic way. And just when you settle down to read what seems like a normal love story, events take a number of unlikely twists and turns. A beautiful love letter from war torn Afghanistan ends up in the wrong hands and sets off a chain of unlikely events that, strangely enough, sounds credible. This is because Charlton James is a master storyteller who has the gift of painting his characters so that they come out larger than life. This is a story of love and hope, betrayal and deception. Somebody Else’s Business is a book that will leave a strange aftertaste in your mouth, long after you finished reading it.

Tracy A. Fischer

In an interesting and unique new work by author Charlton James, Somebody Else's Business is a book that will take many readers on a journey that just might feel familiar, that of situations in which one person gets involved in another person's life without having all the information they need. Follow the story of misunderstandings in the lives of several people, starting with a love letter misplaced by Tiffany Adams, then found by another woman named Kelly. When Kelly uses Tiffany's thoughts and expressions to tell her husband how she feels about him, a backlash ensues that she never could have expected. And when housekeeper Maria gets involved with some pieced together information that she has, things become even more complex. Will all of these complicated tangles get figured out? You'll need to read the book to find out!

I very much enjoyed Somebody Else's Business. Author Charlton James has done a very good job of creating characters that his readers will truly be able to connect with and relate to. Many of us have become embroiled in situations similar to those in this story, and will certainly understand the twists and turns that life can take when others move forward with something that they think they know, when they do not, in fact, have all the information. Any reader who enjoys a captivating story that will keep them turning the pages from the start all the way through to the very end should absolutely read Somebody Else's Business!

Ica Iova

Somebody Else's Business by Charlton James is a soap opera at its best. Everything starts with a letter John Willoughby writes, expressing his love for his fiancee, Tiffany Adams. Tiffany loses the letter and Kelly, the wife of another man, finds it while walking her dog and decides to use it to revitalize her own marriage. However, as it usually happens, things don’t go as planned, and trust and fidelity in Kelly's marriage are compromised. Maria, the housekeeper, spreads baseless assumptions about her employer’s husband. A confrontation ensues and, when all is said and done, additional relationships are affected or destroyed. This is what happens when you meddle with somebody else’s business.

Somebody Else's Business by Charlton James is, by all means, a wonderful book. Using a good intention gone wrong as a backdrop, the author has filled the story with drama, suspense, and tragedy. Though the story is slow in the beginning, as a few story lines are meticulously developed and meshed into one, it still kept me curious to see where it leads. The chain reaction that the loss of John’s letter causes keeps the reader interested and the pages turning. The book is filled with fascinating, well-developed characters who carry the dramatic and sometimes funny events through twists and turns that you never see coming. It’s thought-provoking, and it proves how little it takes for the human mind to process (the wrong way) events based simply on assumptions. I recommend it to anyone who loves drama with a hint of humor and some twists and turns.

Elizabeth Butts

Somebody Else's Business starts with John and Tiffany at the mall where they were engaged. They were there to make a payment on their wedding rings but also visited other vendors, all of whom remember them as the couple that got engaged. Every part of this day that they are spending together shows how they positively impacted people's life through their love of one another and how they openly share that love. John gets deployed suddenly, and Tiffany is left trying to carry on her life, living for the letters that he sends. Then she loses one of those letters, and at that point Somebody Else's Business becomes an almost voyeuristic view into what happens when you make an assumption without all of the facts.

Kelly finds the letter and is so moved by the obvious love and passion written that she thinks it will help kindle her relationship with Paul. While she feels guilty about reading the letter that is about Somebody Else's Business, she keeps it and then leaves the letter out for Paul, who makes an assumption about it. Paul was distraught showing his friend the letter in a hotel room. They leave, and accidentally leave the letter behind, where Maria sees it. She thinks it is a different Paul, and has to tell his wife about this letter, spreading assumptions about Somebody Else's Business. Diana is Paul's wife, who is highly medicated, and attacks him verbally over the letter. And boy, does it escalate.

Charlton James did a wonderful job of weaving four stories together, and showing how fifteen lives were altered due to assumptions, spreading lies (when believing them to be truths), and not finding out the whole story before getting involved in Somebody Else's Business.

Ray Simmons

Somebody Else’s Business by Charlton James is a fun, easy to read novel that has something for everyone. It is full of pleasant minor characters that help to make the story come alive. Tiffany and John are the perfect couple. There is absolutely nothing that I did not like about them and found myself praying that they would still be so much in love as the plot went through its many twists and turns. Every great couple risks being called too perfect and every couple thinks that making their partner happy is worth that risk. They are about to be tested. John and Tiffany are in love and the whole world knows it. But what happens when Somebody Else’s Business threatens your own happiness?

The strongest aspect of Somebody Else’s Business can be summed up in one word: characterization. Don’t get me wrong. The plot is good. The development is solid and the writing fits the story like a glove, but Somebody Else’s Business is by far and away character driven. With the right actors to portray John and Tiffany, I can easily see this novel as a nice movie. In a way, it seems Charlton James writes with the big screen in mind. Beautiful settings with beautiful people will make it difficult for Hollywood to resist this one. If you have a leisurely weekend and want to immerse yourself in a romantic world, pick up a copy of Somebody Else’s Business and a pint of your favorite ice cream and enjoy.