Soon Come

Fiction - Suspense
110 Pages
Reviewed on 04/24/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rita G. for Readers' Favorite

Soon Come clearly demonstrates the culture of the islands. There is a strong social order there. For many, drugs, crime and killings were just a natural part of their life. In the plot of Come Soon, Americans come to the islands and attempt to take over the drug trade and property. The people may not have had much, but they had their pride. Some of the citizens moved to the States so they could work in the fields, earn money to send it home. One of the things the author illustrates is that money does not always make people happy. Often the ones who have the most are the least happy. All people have problems. It is how you deal with the problem that is important.

Soon Come quickly drew me in. Much of the dialogue is written with a Jamaican dialect making the plot more realistic. Many of the characters were quirky and endearing. I enjoyed learning about the culture of the islands. When I think of Jamaica I think of sun, sand, surf, palm trees, breezes and the beauty of the island. As a tourist we rarely see the true culture. We keep a blind eye to the poverty of most of the people. The author skillfully weaves the threads of the caste together. He shows the wide gulf that lies between the classes.