Soul Cage

Soulbreaker Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
487 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

Soul Cage by L. R. Schulz is an epic fantasy series set in a realm where magic is intrinsically tied to the absorption of other people's souls. The story follows three characters, namely Myddrin, Will, and Tvora. Myddrin became the most formidable mage after the last war when he somehow managed to kill a powerful mage. Now, burdened and tormented by the countless souls he possesses, he has descended into addiction and drunkenness just as war erupts once more. Will is a young boy with aspirations of becoming a mage knight; however, he begins to grasp the heavy costs and responsibilities of such a role, especially with a war on the horizon. Lastly, Tvora, a woman whose soul is fractured, must consume more souls to sustain herself and the images of her lost friends.

I don’t even know where to begin to describe how amazing Soul Cage by L. R. Schulz is. This book has so many overlapping plots for each of the characters we follow yet at no point do these ever become tangled or cause confusion to the reader. Quite the opposite. Through the POV of each character, we learn so much about the world they live in, the circumstances that these characters must face, and how the impending war will affect different individuals. It is genuinely impressive how much Schulz wove into this book in such a way that it amplifies the best qualities of the plot. The world-building, pacing, tone, and characters all came together beautifully to create a world in which the reader can become fully immersed. I enjoyed this book so much and I would love to read any further installments in this series.