Spirit Horses

Fiction - Suspense
360 Pages
Reviewed on 12/07/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

This is the story of a man who has everything a person could want: a wonderful wife, two happy children, his ranch and the job he loves training horses. He traveled the country holding horse training classes, until he met the woman of his dreams. He settled down in Tennessee. A mustang that was doomed to go to the slaughter house was brought to him to train. It had an unusual brand, a broken arrow. Training the mare proved a challenge but she eventually came around and became his son’s favorite horse. Sloppy had a faraway look in her eyes as if she missed the old herd. He promised his son they would return her to Wyoming to the herd she had run with.

This is the story of Shane Carson. When his family was violently taken away from him in an automobile accident, he lost his will to do anything. The ranch hands kept the ranch running while Shane drank himself into a life of despair and depression. Two years later he pulled himself out of the darkness that had engulfed him. He loaded up Sloppy and his old horse and head to Wyoming to return Sloppy to her herd. Someone was trying to get rid of the Mustangs.

This story reminded me of the “Horse Whisperer” I could not put this book down until I had read every page. I really was amazed at his description of the “Wind River Reservation.” Being from Wyoming, I have been through the reservation and it is a beautiful place. This book took me back home. This story is well written story. It tugs at your heart as you come to understand how he feels and cares about his horses. This is a great blend of adventure, romance and mystery.