
Spotless Series Book 1

Romance - Suspense
322 Pages
Reviewed on 12/06/2015
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Author Biography

Camilla Monk is a French native who grew up in a Franco-American family. After finishing her studies, she taught English and French in Tokyo before returning to France to work in advertising.

Today, she lives in Montreal, where she keeps a close watch on the squirrels and complains on a daily basis about the egregious number of Tim Hortons.

Her writing credits include the English resumes and cover letters of a great many French friends, and some essays as well. She’s also the critically acclaimed author of a few passive-aggressive notes pasted in her building’s elevator.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Spotless by Camilla Monk is an awesome love story that will actually make a great rom-com one day. The story follows a woman named Island Chaptal. She is a romance novel enthusiast and a boring IT professional. She may seem like a stiff upper crust woman, but she is a warm blooded woman who is waiting for her Mr. Right ... yet when she actually comes across him, he is not someone she anticipated. He is a gentleman, but he is also after something. He wants the diamond that was her grandmother’s and he also wants her house … clean?

Yup, he is a neat freak and together Island and March will try to trace the diamond, and she has to do all that while they fight off people who are not shy of killing and getting what they want. They don’t care if Island is innocent. She and March are going to different places, and maybe along the way they fall in love? Steam up the room and ignite the fire? Well, maybe. You will have to read it to find out.

What can I say? I’m a sucker for a great romance. This novel is clean (almost, there are some steamy scenes that I won’t trade for nothing), with a hero that is swoonworthy, and a heroine that is a little too straight and falls head over heels in love with this amazing man. The characters were beautifully done, they are fully developed, they make you laugh with them and appreciate their wit and charm. A truly 5 star novel that deserves tons of attention.