Standing on Our Ancestors' Shoulders

Transformations of African American Life in Rural Georgia 1930s To 1970s

Non-Fiction - Historical
192 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Standing on Our Ancestors' Shoulders by Merry Stewart is a collection of stories exploring the historical experiences and transitions of African Americans in rural Georgia from the 1930s to the 1970s. It covers family, home, school, and church life and is focused on oral history from church members of the Gospel Water Branch Baptist Church. The narrations chronicle major moments in history such as the end of the Civil War and slavery, the Jim Crow Laws, black land ownership, racial tension and segregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and integrated schools. On a personal level, the book delves into the storytellers' experiences with family chores at home and on the farm, the sense of community, and family structures. They also discuss using outhouses, their first experiences with electricity and running water, and the school, community, and church events that helped shape their identities and values.

Standing on Our Ancestors' Shoulders is a poignant and richly detailed book that celebrates the resilience and strength of African American communities in rural Georgia. It highlights both the struggles and triumphs they faced over decades of change. The narratives serve as both a historical record and a testament to the enduring legacy of culture, faith, and community that has been passed down through generations. The book is structured well, with each chapter covering a specific theme and period, allowing readers to engage deeply with the historical context as well as the personal anecdotes of the narrators. Some storytellers shared similar experiences, such as being baptized in a nearby creek, attending the same schools, and witnessing the burning cross, which symbolized racial terror. They express their love for community, personal growth, and responsibility, hoping to pass down these values to future generations. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone interested in learning about the rich history and cultural heritage of African Americans, particularly in rural Georgia.