Steven F Seagull & The Missing Chips

Children - Animals
237 Pages
Reviewed on 06/30/2024
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Author Biography

I love creating children’s books that transport readers into fantastical worlds filled with engaging animals and diverse, quirky characters.
In a past life, I was probably a cat—I’m fond of tuna, avoid water, and have a knack for knocking things over, but thankfully, I have nine lives to keep crafting my stories. I currently teach in a magical desert kingdom brimming with sunshine, camels, and exotic rice dishes, which continuously inspire my writing.
My books offer funny stories for children and their parents, blending humour and heart in engaging storytelling. These animal adventures become cherished bedtime stories, as both kids and adults find joy in the references to the modern world and the rich natural animal world. Join me in exploring these delightful kids’ stories where every child learns the true power of leadership and friendship.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In Steven F Seagull & The Missing Chips by Kitty May Gruchelska, Steven the seagull fondly reminisces about his love for chips—or, for those of the American persuasion, fries—inspired by his grandfather's tales of a time before their discovery. Despite living in an era of abundant chips, Steven yearns for seagulls to create their own chips, an idea scoffed at by his peers. At the Annual Chip Festival, chaos erupts when Stefano Giacomo promotes pizza and pasta, inciting discontent. A dire chip shortage triggers panic, prompting Steven and his friends to form the Chips Investigation Agency, suspecting foul play from the group "Deny the Fry." Upon the gathering of clues, they uncover a conspiracy far worse than they could imagine, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation.

Kitty May Gruchelska does an excellent job of crafting a highly detailed and imaginative world where seagulls have their own society, traditions, and even myths about chips in Steven F Seagull & The Missing Chips. I had so much fun following Steven F, and that “F” in his name is quite important once you do start reading for reasons I will not ruin for you. Gruchelska uses humor intelligently and effectively, both in the seagulls’ quirky society and in the playful language, keeping the tone light-hearted and entertaining even as the stakes start to ratchet up. I loved the settings, especially Stefano Giacomo's factory, which is brilliant in how bad it is. The imagery, like the derelict buildings and the bustling factory floor, is almost cinematic, although I admit it's unlikely I will be eating crab again soon. Overall, this is a wonderful, family-friendly story that was an absolute delight to read. Very highly recommended.