Sweet Baby Around the World

A Rhyming Book for Little Girls & Boys

Children - Preschool
34 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

Sweet Baby Around The World is 'A Rhyming Book for Little Girls & Boys' by Victoria Scudder. So many places to visit around the globe and so many things to see. Let’s go to Buckingham Palace, located in England. What interesting things would you find there? How about a field trip with a field mouse to the Roman Colosseum in Italy? Which would be taller; a full-grown giraffe or the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France? Let's take an air balloon ride over the Great Wall of China. What would we see from such a height? Would we find a mermaid near a medieval castle in Scotland, or maybe a grey monkey sitting on top of a Mayan temple in Mexico? What other places are there to visit where we can find something amazing to see?

I thoroughly enjoyed Sweet Baby Around The World. Finding such well-known global landmarks in a children’s book made this a unique book. Kids will love the trip around the world on these pages and learn a little bit about different countries and the history they hold. The illustrations bring this story to life with the pictures of the monuments that mean so much to each location. I recommend this book to young readers who are ready to learn about distant places and get a glimpse into what a different part of the world looks like. Victoria Scudder has definitely found an interesting way to teach kids something new about different cultures and world history while they read, and I hope she decides to expand on that and write more children’s books like this one.