Tapestry of My Mother's Life

Stories, Fragments, and Silences

Non-Fiction - Biography
252 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Tapestry of My Mother's Life: Stories, Fragments, and Silences by Malve von Hassell provides an account of the life of Christa von Hassell, who is clearly a product of her time and upbringing. Christa was raised on a large country estate in Pomerania. The farm had been in their family for generations. Christa's experiences are shaped by growing up in Germany when the Nazis were in power and the indoctrination that followed, the Second World War, and the aftermath of the war, which included finding a new beginning after losing everything and coping with the deaths of loved ones. Christa escapes from East Germany after confirming the death of her first husband to start her life in the West.

Tapestry of My Mother's Life: Stories, Fragments, and Silences by Malve von Hassell offers a unique glimpse into the lives of civilians as the Second World War raged on. It's very easy to condemn all the German people, but this thought-provoking work provides another perspective on the suffering of civilians under the Nazis, some of whom resisted their evil policies. It was interesting to read about the plot to assassinate Hitler. Christa's story is also very encouraging. She was able to adapt to various circumstances, which I found to be very inspirational. Readers will also appreciate the research Malve has done to bring some things to light that were not clear in Christa's letters. This was a great read, and I am looking forward to reading something as unique as this book about the events of the Second World War.