Targeted Truth

A Battle Against Corruption and the Truth Behind My Father's Death

Non-Fiction - True Crime
61 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Targeted Truth: A Battle Against Corruption and the Truth Behind My Father's Death by Brandon Parker is a compelling true crime memoir that takes readers deep into a story of loss, betrayal, and an unwavering quest for justice. The book centers around the suspicious death of Parker’s father, Everett Hendon, at the hands of Louisiana police officers in 1991, which was initially dismissed as a suicide. Parker, who never met his father, was only 11 at the time. As he grows up, he becomes determined to uncover the truth behind his father's death.

Targeted Truth not only recounts a crime, it’s also a narrative of Parker’s life and how his father’s death shaped his path. Through his investigation, Parker peels back the layers of corruption and criminal activity that tainted his father's life—from his time in the Navy to his days as a hitman and, ultimately, to becoming a postal worker entangled with the Colombian cartels and corrupt law enforcement. Parker’s writing is direct and raw, reflecting his stake in the story. His narrative is heartbreaking and chilling as it delves into the deep-seated corruption within the Louisiana police department and its connection to organized crime. Sadly, despite his father’s wrongful death, Parker can find no one to help him get justice for the man he never met but genuinely loved. It’s a powerful and touching read that offers a unique perspective on a son’s relentless fight against a system that failed him and his father.

Andrea Hines

I found the book to be an interesting read. Exposing, both the truth about corruption and it's impact on others effected. The only regret is that it should be longer and have some real resolution.