Tarnished Dreams

Short Stories

Fiction - Anthology
197 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Tarnished Dreams is an anthology of sixteen short and interconnected stories by Anthony Pond. In a French hospital, as he recovers from war wounds in 1945, David Jordan thinks about his dream boat that he hopes to build with his brother, Frank. Once David is home, he and Frank help each other realize their dreams. David constructs a boat, The Novia, and sails as far as Calle Juarez with his brother as newspapers catch pieces of their expedition. David helps Frank dig for Native American artifacts after they return. David's son, Ryan, develops an interest in traveling, leaving his career in law as soon as possible to roam the world. Ryan photographs many notable events and experiences life on his own terms.

Anthony Pond gives his readers a memorable mix of realized, partially realized, and unrealized aspirations. The characters are adventurous, with their heads full of dreams and bold spirits. The stories cling to your mind, touching on mortality while resonating and prompting you to reevaluate your own desires and when you plan to fulfill them. The stories are related to each other. To gain a better understanding of the underlying themes, readers may wish to begin with the first stories, but it is not necessary to enjoy the narratives in Tarnished Dreams. I followed along with the experiences, impressed with the author's knowledge of the law and the customs of the areas which his characters visited. Even though many hopes come to fruition, sometimes, small regrets, like lost time with family members, creep in for the sacrifices the characters made as they pursued their goals.