Taste Buddies

Culinary Colors - Green

Children - Non-Fiction
34 Pages
Reviewed on 06/15/2024
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Author Biography

Jax is new in the children's author space but is no stranger to kid's books. As a mom of 4 kids under 5, she spends countless hours each week reading with her young kids. Her inspiration for her first book, Taste Buddies, comes from combining her love for kids, cooking at home, and investing in healthy habits. Always a bit of a wellness enthusiast, Jax became increasingly focused on nutrition when it came time to feed her 5-year-old twins. Everything from learning to read and understand ingredient labels to dedicating time to home-cooked meals and "better for you" snacks fueled her intentional action for her family's health.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Taste Buddies: Culinary Colors - Green by Jax Perrins is a fantastic children's picture book about trying new and nourishing foods. Charley is a little girl who helps her family pick foods of all colors at the grocery store. She explains that everybody has tiny taste buds on their tongues and that these help us decide what food is yummy or yucky. Charley's taste buds are excited to try colorful new foods, except for one called Bud, who doesn't like trying something new and always gets grumpy. This time, Charley has to choose green things. As expected, Bud doesn't like green or any color, even though green foods have vitamins and are beneficial for the heart. However, Bud is about to try kiwi, avocado, cucumber, pear, peas, and broccoli. Will Bud find something green to love?

Taste Buddies by Jax Perrins is a useful tool to help your picky little eater understand the importance of trying new foods and healthy eating in an engaging way. Through a rhythmic and inviting narrative, appealing characters, and charming illustrations by Nicole Steffes, this story shows that trying new foods can be fun and beneficial to the body. This culinary adventure is as entertaining as it is educational. It encourages young readers to take advantage of the opportunity to find a new favorite food to eat and nourish their bodies. It helps even the pickiest eaters explore and embrace various foods for a healthy and happy life. It's a must-have for any library, especially for children who require a little more convincing to try new or green foods or eat healthy food.