Thanks for the Pain

One Rape Victim's Wrath

Fiction - Drama
182 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tracy A. Fischer for Readers' Favorite

In a truly heartfelt and emotional story by debut author Josh Gates, Thanks for the Pain: One Rape Victim's Wrath is a book that will stay with the reader for a long time after the book is done. Follow the story of young Scarlett, who was abandoned by her mother Staci when she was only thirteen years old, as she and her father, Jacob, try to put the pieces of their lives back together again. Five years later, Scarlett and Jacob find out that Staci has died, and after her funeral Jacob makes an awkward and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to share with Scarlett some information about her extended family members. When Scarlett is able to figure out a very difficult truth about her mother's abandonment, it causes much dismay and distress in her relationships with both her father and her husband, and she starts to make some very bad choices for herself and her son. With a new friend, Jade, she starts to heal from this terrible grief, but will her life ever be the same again?

I enjoyed Thanks for the Pain: One Rape Victim's Wrath. The story line certainly is not easy, but author Josh Gates has written a very intriguing story with characters, especially Scarlett, that his readers will care about and connect to. Readers who enjoy a dramatic story with strong female characters, stories of redemption, or just a good and fast read should certainly pick up this book. I am looking forward to seeing what author Josh Gates puts out for his readers next. He shows much talent and promise as a new author in this genre.