The Back Doors of Fancy Places

Fiction - Mystery - General
42 Pages
Reviewed on 03/22/2017
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sherri Fulmer Moorer for Readers' Favorite

The Back Doors of Fancy Places by Anderson Ryle is a fast paced, short thriller that tells the tale of a private investigator who shares his recent adventures with a mysterious lady outside a club. He relates a tale of a runaway caught in the dangerous underworld of drugs, sex, prostitution, and human trafficking that he can't seem to tie together, and can't resist trying. It all started with a young runaway whom he lost track of on a mysterious catamaran. His efforts to find her keep peeling away layers of a shady nightlife taking place right under his nose, and putting him on a trail that's warmer than he realizes. This fast paced thriller takes readers on a journey through tales that tie together into one mystery that may be bigger than this private investigator can handle.

The Back Doors of Fancy Places is a quick read, a tale that too often takes place in reality. It exposes issues that are silently devastating because they're hidden from the life that most of us know on a day to day basis. The nightlife exposed in this story is all too real and insidious, especially to young women who are impressionable and struggling to find a place in a hard world. Anderson Ryle tells a compelling tale with plenty of warnings to keep your eyes open to the reality around you, because what you think you see may not be what's actually happening, and danger really is all around us. A great story.