The Badge in the Garden

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
120 Pages
Reviewed on 10/12/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The setting is 1912. Tommy is helping his grandfather, Asa in the field. As Asa plowed the ground Tommy dropped the seeds. Tommy loved to hear his grandfather tell stories. As they worked together he once again begged for a story. As he listened once again to how his grandparents bought the land and built the house, Tommy toed the ground. Something shiny caught his attention. It was a badge. Like most boys he was curious and would not stop asking questions until his grandfather told him the true story behind the badge.

Asa was a bounty hunter. He sought the excitement and sense of danger. Amanda was a school teacher journalist intrigued by the Wild West. From the moment they meet they were drawn together. Asa’s life turns a different direction but his past follows him placing all he holds dear in danger.

Aaron D. Webster looks back at the west in The Badge in the Garden. The plot offers the excitement of gun fights and the romance of new found love. I particularly enjoyed the interaction between Asa and Tommy. The author writes this as fiction but I found myself wondering if there could be a tiny bit of truth in this story.