The Best Summer Guest

Jonty #1

Children - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

The Best Summer Guest is the first book in the Jonty Series by Tuula Pere. Jonty's parents need some time to talk when they go on a trip, but before they leave, they take Jonty to Grandma Gladys's house. He doesn't like being away from his parents, but Jonty enjoys his grandma's interesting ideas to keep him from missing them. Even though his parents leave a "fun bag" for him, Jonty and his grandma don't open it as they spend time together. Jonty shows off his baking skills when he helps make cinnamon buns for the "bun angels," and he and his grandma stay at the Spruce Cape cottage. Jonty swims, avoids getting his toes nibbled by a pike, and is surprised by the unusual birthday gifts his grandma receives.

Tuula Pere's writing style makes you wonder if she's lived the simple moments she describes in her stories. Told with love and wonder from a child's perspective, the author's words are realistic and gentle, and the narration works well for bedtime or soothing concerns. By reading this book, children who might worry about leaving their caregivers to spend time with other relatives may see some interesting experiences they can have with others. I got the idea that Jonty and his grandma needed each other for some comfort, as Jonty was worried about his parents and Grandma Gladys liked sharing memories of Jonty's grandpa with him. Milena Radeva's illustrations are wholesome and delightful, reminding me of a simpler time. The Best Summer Guest is a sweet book that readers can share with loved ones.