The Bondage Breaker®

The Next Step

Non-Fiction - Self Help
208 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joyce Williams for Readers' Favorite


Neil Anderson has written about breaking free from bondage, and I recommend this book to anyone who feels unable to break free from the past, from bad habits, or sins. He shares lots of scripture and explanations for why Christians are in bondage (for those who don't see obvious reasons), including anyone who has been abused, and shows how to stop the cycle. Even for those who have food addictions, the cycle can be broken! Anderson exposes Satan's strategies for trapping Christians and keeping them from fulfilling God's plan for their lives. He includes real stories of people and how they broke free as well as personal insights into the Word of God for growth and freedom.

Anderson shares that "we don't have to sin because we have been delivered out of darkness and are alive in Christ." I especially like the way he explains why things happen and how scripture shows us a way out. Through Christ Jesus and His power, we are overcomers! Of course, we are humans who live in a mortal body, and we are not perfect; but with the words Anderson gives us, combined with the Word of God, we are able to better understand. This book is part of a series, though this is the first one I have read. There are also workbooks available for previous books. I enjoyed reading the book and recommend it to anyone who needs to be set free.