The Bookshop on Beach Road

Fiction - Drama
300 Pages
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

In The Bookshop on Beach Road by Janet Morris Belvin, Finn Ingram, the Coast Guard's flight operations officer, protected the North Carolina coastal waters from attacks by German submarines, or U-boats, in 1942. Finn's mission was to spot the enemy U-boats, the destroyers of ships that delivered supplies to the Allies, bomb them, and rescue the survivors from the damaged ships. A beautiful waitress named Louise Gates stole Finn's heart. But Finn's dangerous missions put his future with Louise at risk. In 1994, Della Gates returned to the seaside town of Kitty Hawk after losing her job at Colony Books and breaking up with her fiancé, Dylan Metcalfe. Della's great-aunt, Louise, offered her a position in her small bookshop, which needed a modern approach and a caring hand. But Dylan had his plans for Aunt Louise's shop. Della must choose between him and her new love interest, a handsome firefighter named Luke Howard.

Janet Morris Belvin's The Bookshop on Beach Road is a fascinating story of loyalty, love, and self-sacrifice for fans of historical fiction, romance, and drama. Narrated from two historical perspectives, the book has a well-researched background. The author's love for North Carolina's coastal towns shines through the pages. It is easy to feel a strong emotional connection with Della and Louise, two independent, loving, hard-working women. Della puts her heart and soul into the bookshop's restoration. She is ready to get her hands dirty and respects her elderly great-aunt's wish to keep an old couch that means so much to her unchanged. The author shows how an old bookshop brings two generations together, thus becoming a symbol of hope for a better future. Janet adds intrigue and a startling twist to the plotline. The novel's centerpiece is a touching romance that gives hope to those who believe in true love. The thrilling battle scenes will appeal to military-themed historical fiction fans.

Billie Freenan

It was a great read - full of suspense and sweet love!