The Borman Factor

A Nick Borman Thriller Book 1

Fiction - Thriller - General
260 Pages
Reviewed on 10/19/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

The Borman Factor: A Nick Borman Thriller Book 1 is a compelling read by Robert Lalonde, a well-crafted detective story that will grab the attention of fans of Robert Ludlum and Lee Child. When a member of the powerful Piermont family, a journalist, gets murdered brutally in a public place, everyone expects the police to catch the person who has committed the crime. Weeks pass by and the police can’t find a witness nor can they establish the motive for this heinous crime. But the Piermonts want justice and so they hire Nick Borman, a man with unique skills in corporate espionage. It doesn’t take him long to uncover the evidence, but things quickly become more complicated as corrupt powers higher up work harder to repossess the evidence. Follow Nick as he pursues a criminal far deadlier than anyone could have imagined, each step unveiling deep layers of corruption. The question is: Can he get to the killer before someone gets to him?

This is a story with a strong plot line and a powerful conflict. The reader immediately develops a liking for the protagonist, a detective with unconventional methods, and it becomes very interesting to follow him through very tight spots. The setting is in Canada, and readers will enjoy watching the protagonist work within this setting, showing great intelligence and familiarity with crime scenes. The story starts with the crime, and the reader is introduced to the hit man, a man whose portrait comes out beautifully, as in works of James Patterson. Robert Lalonde has an inimitable style of writing and his descriptions integrate elements of humor and precision to deliver a punch that strikes the right nerves in readers. The Borman Factor: A Nick Borman Thriller Book 1 features sophisticated characters, great writing, and an intelligently plotted story. It is one of those rare books that I read through the night. Excellent thematic development, a great gift for character, and a gripping plot all rolled into one great entertaining read.