The Branches We Cherish

An Open Adoption Memoir

Non-Fiction - Parenting
200 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Samantha Dewitt (Rivera) for Readers' Favorite

The adoption journey is different for everyone, and that’s true for both Finley and Sofie, but it’s also true for the mother who raised them. The Branches We Cherish by Linda Sexton tells the story of each member of this unique family, from Linda herself and her husband David to their adoptive children, Finley and Sofie. But it also reaches out into the stories of Jenna and Michael and Rachel and Ricky, who are birth parents to Finley and Sofie. Their story, as three separate families and as one combined family, is beautifully told in a way that respects the feelings, the love, and the growth of each of them. After all, adoption is not easy for anyone, and in many ways, an open adoption may be even more difficult because there are so many people involved and so many relationships to understand.

The Branches We Cherish explores how all the relationships in an adoption are interwoven, and just what these can mean for each member of the family as they grow together. It delves into what each person was feeling and also what was happening at different parts of the journey through both the first and second adoptions. For those who are considering adoption, this could be an excellent resource to find out even more about what’s in store. For the birth parents, the adoptive parents, and even the adopted child, The Branches We Cherish by Linda Sexton offers advice, honesty, and openness about the experiences. That includes the good, the bad, and the ugly for each and everyone to create a story that’s hard to walk away from.