The Bright Freight of Memory

Fiction - Literary
252 Pages
Reviewed on 08/26/2024
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Author Biography

Greg Fields is the author of Through the Waters and the Wild, winner of the 2022 Independent Press Award for Literary Fiction, the Independent Publishers Association Award, the New York Book Award for Literary Fiction and two other national recognitions. His first novel, Arc of the Comet, was published in 2017. He is currently an editor for his publisher, Koehler Books, and has just returned from Ireland where he presented at the International Dublin Writers Festival. A third novel, The Bright Freight of Memory, is scheduled for release in November 2024.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In The Bright Freight Of Memory by Greg Fields, the Cooneys' path had remained the same since their ancestors had immigrated from Ireland. Hard labor and lots of drinking. Michael Cooney had grown up with an abusive alcoholic father, and due to his circumstances, he soon turned to thieving. His friends, Donal and Johnny, are also from the neighborhood and face almost similar challenges, with Donal being raised by his mother and Johnny being raised only by his drinking father. As they step into adulthood, their paths diverge. Donal finds a job and gets married, but Michael lands himself in prison. How will things turn out for these childhood friends?

Once you start reading The Bright Freight of Memory by Greg Fields, there is no putting it down. The suspense as the intricately woven plotline unfolded kept me glued to my couch and looking forward to subsequent chapters. I loved how the characters were well-developed and relatable. They got me thinking about how surroundings influence individuals in terms of behavior and also opportunities they are likely to access. This thought-provoking work also made me think about how social institutions have let down the most vulnerable and how the criminal justice system has fallen short of its rehabilitative purpose by the state in failing to look out for those who are released. Greg also ensured all events and places were vividly captured, which helped create a mental picture of what was happening. The reader will also appreciate the excellent narrative, which adds to the overall beauty of this wonderful work.