The Bro-Magnet

Fiction - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 03/30/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alice DiNizo for Readers' Favorite

Johnny Smith's mother dies after giving birth to him and according to Johnny, he has been a disappointment to women ever since. Now at 33, Johnny has been best man at weddings for far too many times, and now he is best man for his friend Billy Keller who is marrying Alice Knox. Johnny has dreamed of Alice Knox since childhood but has given up on ever falling in love. Raised by his widowed father, Johnny has never had a mother's advice and his sole female relative, his Aunt Alfresca, is not inclined to speak of niceties to her nephew. So,Johnny burps, farts, loves the Jets and the Mets and sees himself as a man's man. Then he meets District Attorney Helen at a baseball game. Helen has Johnny paint every room in her home, one at a time, and is it time for Johnny to fall in love?

"The Bro-Magnet" is a delightful, humorous well-written and edited story about Johnny Smith who could have excelled as a lawyer but gave up studying law to work as a house painter with his father. The major and minor characters, Johnny, Helen, Johnny's father and Aunt Alfresca, Alice and Billy are all believable and suitable for this book's tongue-in-cheek humor. The plot runs smoothly as Johnny hides his love of sports from Helen and tries to be what he is not. The reader will love "The Bro-Magnet" from beginning to end and will roll with laughter as poor Johnny tries his hand at romance. Readers with a sense of humor, here is a good book for you!