The Buddha Technology

A Spiritual Journey

Fiction - Drama
160 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2014
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Author Biography

Douglas Reid lives on the west coast of Canada, in Abbotsford, British Columbia. His writing reflects his love of the Pacific Northwest and inspiration drawn from his travels and his passion for studying spirituality and alternative health practices. He has worked as a teacher, freelance writer, newsletter editor and information officer. The Buddha Technology is his first published novel.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Buddha Technology: A Spiritual Journey by Douglas Reid is the story of Tom Sanders and his tryst with technology and spirituality that will change the course of his living. Tom Sanders is someone who grows up in a dysfunctional family. Tom moves to Tucson when his father changes his job and accepts a position at the University of Arizona. Tom leaves home when he finds his father's bouts of drinking and rage unbearable. He finds a girlfriend for himself, Sarah. Tom receives insurance money when his parents are killed in a car crash and he purchases a truck and camper and heads out on a road trip. His girlfriend, in the meantime, announces her pregnancy and asks him for support. But the road trip he takes through the deserts of Utah, Nevada and Arizona gives him a feeling of calmness and spiritual awakening. He ends up in Vancouver Island and there he becomes part of an exotic research project which changes his life forever.

It is quite an engaging novel for readers. The story begins with Tom comparing the landscape of the lush green rain forests of Vancouver Island to the dry deserts of Tucson. Tom Sanders’ character sketch is done well where the author portrays someone who undergoes a lot of pain, loss and suffering in his life that leads to a kind of spiritual awakening in him. I liked the meshing of spirituality and technology and the spiritual journey of Tom Sanders which is inspirational.

Jack Magnus

The Buddha Technology: A Spiritual Journey is an inspirational novel written by Douglas Reid. Tom Sanders has returned to Canada, where he had grown up until his family moved to Tucson, Arizona. While he had been a good student and an aspiring runner during his early years in high school, the move combined with his father's increasingly abusive behavior took a toll on Tom’s well-being. He left high school a year early, got a job at Denny's, and found a room in a boardinghouse in Tucson to get away from his father. He met a young nursing student, Sarah, and they moved in together and started planning their lives. When his parents died after an accident, Tom was thrown into emotional turmoil. As his relationship with Sarah became more strained, he decided to take a trip, and ended up at the Strawberry Hills RV Park in Victoria, BC. He's confused and very concerned when he finds that their joint savings account has been emptied and his investments frozen, leaving him unemployed and penniless.

Douglas Reid's inspirational novel, The Buddha Technology: A Spiritual Journey, is a marvelous reading experience. I loved the author's descriptions of the desert and mountains surrounding Tucson, and the very different, but also magnificent, environs of British Columbia. Tom's story is so uplifting. He starts out in such a very bad place, and, with a little help from a neighbor at the park, finds a purpose and direction. The psychology experiment he participates in poses some intriguing and fascinating questions about mental health, happiness and well-being. The Buddha Technology: A Spiritual Journey is filled with insight and wisdom, and I'm so pleased I read it. It's most highly recommended.