The Candidate's Daughter

Fiction - Suspense
351 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christine Nguyen for Readers' Favorite

"The Candidate’s Daughter" is the story about the kidnapping of the daughter of a candidate running for senator and holds her for a ten million dollar ransom. Matt, Kelsey, and Lionel have kidnapped Holly, a young girl with Down syndrome who has been sadly neglected by both her parents. Kelsey gets way over her head when the kidnapping plot spins out of her control when she realizes that both men do not intend to keep Holly alive if they do not get the ransom. Elizabeth, Holly’s mother, has been in a deep depression ever since she gave birth to Holly and Richard, Holly’s father, has been working nonstop to win the senate seat. They must face the fact that they have been horrible parents. Time is running out as Kelsey and Elizabeth must try to stop the clock before Holly is murdered.

Author Catherine Lea captures the attention of readers with her suspenseful novel. The reader comes to care about Holly in the first few pages of seeing her speak to Kelsey and we want to see more sweet interactions between the unlikely heroine, Kelsey and trusting Holly. The author lets us inside Kelsey’s and Elizabeth’s minds – two women at opposite ends in the kidnapping plots, two viewpoints on the same story and what led each woman to the place they are at now. I came to root for both women at the same time as they both must look within themselves to overcome their weaknesses to save Holly and themselves. A fast-paced read!