The Chosen

Fiction - Thriller - General
224 Pages
Reviewed on 04/20/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Vicki N. for Readers' Favorite

Sarah Kelly is missing. Sarah spent the night out with friends but never returned home. This is totally out of character for her and so her mother reports her missing. P.I. Mike Nash has the remarkably hard task of solving the crime. What makes it so hard is that there is no evidence that anything wrong has taken place until someone says something that catches his attention and he starts looking into other cases of girls that have vanished without a trace. The cases are very similar in that there are no bodies, no witnesses and they all disappeared without any explanation. Now two more women have vanished and Nash has to delve into the psyche of a very unusual serial killer. He needs to solve the puzzle before it's too late.

I love scary. This book was definitely scary. If you happen to read it at night, when you're alone, you might just find yourself looking over your shoulder. You might want to make a point of sitting with your back to the wall. It's a very emotional ride, very fast paced and it will keep you in it's grip until the end.

Some of the police/technical parts of the book seemed off a bit, but other than that, it was a very enjoyable, suspenseful read and I'd love to read more from this author.