The Days Before Tomorrow

An epic tale of war, family and the enduring power of the human spirit.

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
404 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

The Days Before Tomorrow by Mark Hass is an epic historical novel that delves deep into the lives of Wolchi and Leja, two siblings caught in the turbulent currents of Eastern Europe between the World Wars. Set against the haunting backdrops of Western Ukraine, 1930s Krakow, and a wartime Soviet Union, this book is a tale of survival and a profound exploration of family, betrayal, and the pursuit of vengeance. Hass introduces us to Wolchi, a superstitious and naïve teenage boy, and his older sister Leja, a strong and bookish young woman. When a violent anti-Semitic attack throws their once-stable world into chaos, the siblings are forced to navigate a shattered landscape, each forging their path through the horrors of war.

The Days Before Tomorrow excels in its vivid portrayal of the era's atmosphere. From the small towns of Western Ukraine to Krakow's bustling, politically charged streets, Hass paints a compelling picture of a beautiful and terrifying world. The character development is superior, and the narrative is perfectly executed. It’s an emotional story, and I cried a lot. Hass's literary masterpiece should be in every high school classroom. It’s certain to be a classic, joining the ranks of To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and For Whom the Bell Tolls. If you're drawn to historical fiction that confronts the harsh realities of history while weaving a deeply personal story, this novel is a must-read. Five stars don’t do this book justice. It’s that good.