The Dog That Managed Hedge Funds

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
154 Pages
Reviewed on 03/14/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Shelia Thibedeau communicates with animals telepathically, much to her dad’s chagrin. She and the animal communicated through mind pictures or visions. Her dad’s advice was to get a real job. She did a “real job working for an insurance company and found it boring. However, working with animals was the perfect job for her. She discovered her talent and trained to perfect it. The pet owners loved her rapport with the animals. One day she received a call from Alice, a new pet owner. Alice had adopted Harrison from the pound. After some discussions with Harrison she discovered he wasn’t always a dog. Harrison had a heart attack and woke up in the body of a dog. He’d been sentenced to thirty years in prison. After completing her assignment with Harrison and reporting to Alice, Shelia moved on to another tough assignment, communicating with a dog that had “passed on.” However, Harrison missed his discussions with Shelia and began to contact her again. Soon she had him assisting her with her new assignment.

I adore this book! Nancy Parson offers readers humor, romance, and fantasy. Harrison may be a grumpy old dog but in his own way he is so loveable. Shelia and Harrison played well together, sort of a Gracie Allen and George Burns relationship. Harrison easily stole the show even though Shelia was the narrator. While to some the idea of being an animal translator might seem a little far-fetched, to most animal lovers it would be a very natural and acceptable notion. This book not only brought a smile to my face but made me laugh out loud. I have a cat and two dogs. I do not find the idea of communication with them too far out there. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first began this book; however, I soon knew Nancy Parsons had written a real winner. I hope she makes this into a series. Way to go, Ms Parsons.