The Fabulously Fantastic Alfa Romeo

A Short Memoir

Non-Fiction - Memoir
65 Pages
Reviewed on 11/30/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jessyca Garcia for Readers' Favorite

The Fabulously Fantastic Alfa Romeo: A Short Memoir by Sandra Staas is an interesting story. In it, Staas talks about her beloved car, an Alfa Romeo. She also tells about the adventures she experienced with it in different countries in the '80s. Before reading The Fabulously Fantastic Alfa Romeo: A Short Memoir, I did not know what kind of car an Alfa Romeo was or what it looked like. Since then I have looked it up and think the car is kind of sexy and James Bond looking. I liked that Staas shared her memories of what it was like to have a car that was so different from everyone else’s. I always wondered how troublesome it was for people to move a car to a different country and now, thanks to Staas, I have some insight on it.

I wonder what people thought when they saw Florida license plates on a car in Spain. The problems that Staas experienced with the police were funny but frustrating as well. Lack of communication between people of power seems to be similar in all countries. I enjoyed the pictures that Staas included in her story, but I really wish that a picture of the actual car was included as well. Perhaps a picture of an Alfa Romeo can be put on the cover of the book if Staas has no pictures of the actual car. I thought Staas driving backwards down a steep mountain was rather brave and something I could never do. Overall, I thought it was a nice story.