The Farm of Wisdom

25 Unforgettable Tales That Will Ignite a Wiser You!

Non-Fiction - Self Help
96 Pages
Reviewed on 02/06/2014
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Author Biography

Warren Cassell, Jr. is the author of The Farm of Wisdom and Swim or Drown. At the age of eight, with a capital investment from his mom and dad, he launched his own greeting card and graphic design company.

After this, Warren embarked on a number of other ventures including an application development firm and a web hosting service provider. By the time he was thirteen years old, he had been investing in companies and doing business with firms and clients all over the world.

With a business and investment portfolio ranging from financial services and media to Internet and food manufacturing, it is safe to say that Warren is the living proof of the fact that anyone with a vision, determination and dedication can achieve great success.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bil Howard for Readers' Favorite

Somewhat along the lines of Aesop’s Fables, The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales That Will Ignite a Wiser You by Warren Cassell Jr. is full of tid-bits of wisdom that are taught from short parables using animals one would find on or near a farm. Each of the tales tells a story which is then related to a bit of wisdom. One such tale is that of the lazy chipmunk who didn’t want to go gather more berries and ended up not having anything to eat when the big storm came. Another is about the insecure greyhound who is jealous of the border collie. Still another is the story of Happy the Chatty Toad who was all talk on the outside, but just as much of a coward as anyone else on the inside. Each of these twenty-five short tales teaches a keen little piece of wisdom about living life and coping with the world around us.

The delightful collection of tales that Warren Cassell Jr. has put together in The Farm of Wisdom are excellent teaching tools for young and old alike. Just like the old favorites of Aesop, the reader will be entertained by the whimsical nature of the tales, but also made wiser by the lessons that can be learned in each. Entertaining, thought provoking and often profound, The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales That Will Ignite a Wiser You, if given enough thought, is likely to change the way you look at life and the attitudes that you take in various situations.